Currently, the overwhelming majority of construction projects for the construction of low-rise real estate, multi-story industrial and civil buildings include the use of floors.
In this case, floor slabs act as one of the elements of reliability and strength of buildings, the strength of the structure and its durability depend on the installation technology.
At the design stage, it is important to take into account the permissible sizes of the slabs and make calculations based on their dimensions. In practice, there are often cases when the construction process is carried out according to someone else’s project with the most convenient layout. For the successful implementation of such projects, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the materials included in the project estimate.
It is unacceptable to use projects for other types of materials using concrete floors that do not provide the required overlap due to their geometric dimensions. In the event that the calculated data turn out to be incorrect, and the length of reinforced concrete products does not correspond to the real ones, the available slabs for installation and assembly must be cut or sawed.
Ideally, in order to minimize the cost of construction, it is necessary to install slabs of the required length and dimensions directly from the machine. This reduces the cost of loading and unloading operations, and there is no need to equip a site for storing and stacking building materials.
According to the storage rules, reinforced concrete products can only be laid on level ground with wooden pads installed at a distance of 400 mm from the edge. The height of the stack cannot exceed 2.5 meters, and reinforced concrete products must be separated from each other by slats at least 25 mm thick. The slabs are stored under a canopy that prevents precipitation from getting on the surface of future floors. Storage locations are selected taking into account accessibility during crane operation.