It should be immediately noted that it will be difficult to correct possible errors when constructing a roof with your own hands. Therefore, it is important to clearly think through the sequence of actions and check the quality of each unit.
Initially, you need to do the following:
Make an armored belt, which increases the rigidity and strength of the building. It is constructed along the perimeter of the building and is especially relevant for houses made of lightweight concrete and porous blocks. When installing it, you need to provide for the installation of studs for subsequent fastening of the Mauerlat.
Determine the length of the rafters. To do this, you should prepare 2 long boards (standard length 6 m) and temporarily fix them to the vertical supports on two opposite walls. Then, by raising and lowering them, you can find a suitable position and height of the future rafter structure. It is best if the length of the rafters is up to 6 m, since longer lumber is not freely available – they will have to be built up independently.
The technology of the roof truss system device assumes the necessity of strict adherence to the sequence of actions and all recommendations. This will ensure the reliability and durability of not only the roof itself, but also the building as a whole.